Gurbux Singh opined Ric Charlesworth's resignation was 'unfortunate' and called for sorting out the problem.
"This is very unfortunate. Who is responsible, I don't know. It may be due to some ego problem on someone's part," Gurbux told the media.
Gurbux, said the country would lose an opportunity to revive hockey if Charlesworth stuck to his decision.
"Here is a person who knows modern international hockey in and out. We should have used him well," he said.
"I hope the issue can still be sorted out. Let the Indian Olympic Association sit with Charlesworth. His services should be utilised," he added.
However sports minister M S Gill said if Charlesworth does not want to continue, he is free to leave, as that would not be the end of hockey in India.
"We have so many good former players in India who can coach the team, why do we have to depend on foreigners." he said.
Indian Olympic Association (IOA) president and chairman of the ad-hoc committee for hockey, Suresh Kalmadi said he did not want an unhappy Charlesworth.
"I have heard that he has resigned and he is unhappy about certain things, but I do not know the reasons for his unhappiness, he never talked about that," said Kalmadi.
The IOA chief said a final decision on his future will be taken at a discussion with International Hockey Federation (FIH) chief Els van Breda Vriesman.
"We have a meeting on July 17. We will discuss the issues with FIH chief and decide the future course of action," Kalmadi said.